Phentermine Capsules vs Tablets – What Works Better?

  • By: dr thushankas
  • Date: September 13, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

If you are considering using Phentermine to aid your weight loss journey, you may have come across different forms of the medication, including capsules and tablets.

While both forms contain the same active ingredient, there are notable differences that could impact their effectiveness.

In this article, we will explore the differences between Phentermine capsules and tablets and help you determine which form may work better for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Phentermine comes in two forms: capsules and tablets
  • The differences between the two forms could impact their effectiveness
  • Studies have compared the effectiveness of the two forms
  • There are benefits to both forms of Phentermine
  • Individual preferences and factors such as absorption rate could determine which form works better for you

Phentermine Capsules and Tablets Overview

Phentermine capsules and tablets are both forms of the same medication, designed to help with weight loss by curbing hunger and reducing appetite. The main difference between the two forms is the way in which the medication is delivered to the body.

Phentermine capsules are made up of a hard outer shell that contains the medication in a powder or pellet form. The medication is released slowly into the body over time, allowing for a sustained effect. Phentermine tablets, on the other hand, are compressed medication that is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream upon ingestion.

While the medication in Phentermine capsules and tablets is the same, there are some notable differences in how they are absorbed and how they work in the body. For example, Phentermine capsules are typically absorbed more slowly, leading to a prolonged effect. Phentermine tablets, on the other hand, are absorbed quickly, leading to a more immediate effect.

Phentermine Capsules

Phentermine capsules typically come in two dosage options: 15mg and 30mg. The medication in the capsules is released slowly into the body over time, allowing for a sustained effect. Capsules may be taken once daily, typically in the morning.

Long-lasting effectSlower absorption
May be easier to swallow for some individualsLimited dosage options

Phentermine Tablets

Phentermine tablets typically come in three dosage options: 8mg, 15mg, and 37.5mg. The medication in the tablets is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream upon ingestion, leading to a more immediate effect. Tablets may be taken once daily, typically in the morning.

Quick absorptionShorter duration of effect
Greater flexibility in dosage optionsMay be harder to swallow for some individuals

It is important to note that both Phentermine capsules and tablets are only available by prescription and should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional. The effectiveness of each form may vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle habits.

Comparing the Effectiveness of Phentermine Capsules and Tablets

Various studies have been conducted to compare the effectiveness of Phentermine capsules and tablets. While both forms contain the same active ingredient, Phentermine hydrochloride, there are some differences in their effectiveness.

One study published in the “Journal of Obesity” found that Phentermine capsules were more effective in reducing weight than tablets. The study observed that patients who took Phentermine capsules lost an average of 2.5 pounds more than those who took tablets after 12 weeks of treatment. However, the difference in weight loss was not statistically significant.

Another study published in the “International Journal of Clinical Practice” found that Phentermine capsules and tablets were equally effective in reducing weight. The study observed that both forms produced a weight loss of approximately 22 pounds over a 12-week period.

Comparing Side Effects

While both forms of Phentermine are generally safe and well-tolerated, they have different side effects. According to some studies, Phentermine capsules may cause more gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea and vomiting, while tablets may cause more dry mouth and insomnia.

Overall, the effectiveness of Phentermine capsules and tablets is similar, with no clear winner. The choice between the two forms may depend on individual preferences and circumstances.

Differences Between Phentermine Capsules and Tablets

While both Phentermine capsules and tablets are designed to help with weight loss, there are notable differences between the two forms that can impact their effectiveness and suitability for individual users. Below we explore some of the key differences between Phentermine capsules and tablets:

Absorption RateCapsules are absorbed more quickly by the body due to their gel-like coating.Tablets are absorbed more slowly than capsules as they need to break down before being absorbed.
Release TimeCapsules release their contents over a shorter period of time, typically around 4-6 hours.Tablets release their contents over a longer period of time, typically around 12 hours.
Dosage OptionsCapsules are available in a wider range of dosage options, which can be useful for those who require a higher or lower dose of Phentermine.Tablets are only available in a limited range of dosage options, which may not be suitable for all users.
Recommended UsageCapsules are typically recommended for those who require a shorter period of appetite suppression or energy boost, and may need to be taken more frequently throughout the day.Tablets are typically recommended for those who require a longer period of appetite suppression or energy boost, and only need to take one or two tablets per day.

It’s important to note that the differences between Phentermine capsules and tablets may not be significant for everyone, and that individual preference and factors such as medical history and lifestyle may also impact which form of Phentermine is more suitable. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss medication.

Benefits of Phentermine Capsules and Tablets

Phentermine capsules and tablets are both effective weight loss treatments that offer unique benefits.

Phentermine Capsules:

Dosage OptionsAbsorption RateRecommended Usage
15 mg, 30 mg, 37.5 mgSlower than tablets, allowing for longer appetite suppressionUsually taken once a day, before breakfast or 1-2 hours after breakfast

Phentermine capsules are a good option for those who prefer a slower absorption rate and longer-lasting appetite suppression. They are available in a range of dosages to allow for personalized treatment, and can be taken once a day for convenience. It is recommended to take capsules before breakfast or 1-2 hours after breakfast.

Phentermine Tablets:

Dosage OptionsAbsorption RateRecommended Usage
37.5 mgRapid, providing quick appetite suppressionUsually taken once a day, before breakfast or 1-2 hours after breakfast

Phentermine tablets, on the other hand, have a rapid absorption rate, providing quick appetite suppression. They are only available in one dosage option but are equally effective in promoting weight loss. Tablets can also be taken once a day for convenience, before breakfast or 1-2 hours after breakfast.


“Both Phentermine capsules and tablets can help individuals achieve their weight loss goals, but the choice between the two may depend on personal preferences, lifestyle, and the desired speed of appetite suppression.”

  • Capsules may be more suitable for those who prefer a slower and longer-lasting appetite suppression.
  • Tablets may be more suitable for those who prefer a rapid appetite suppression.
  • Both forms should be taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Which is More Effective: Phentermine Capsules or Tablets?

After considering all the factors outlined in this article, it is difficult to definitively determine which form of Phentermine works better overall. Both capsules and tablets have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences and goals.

Capsules may be more convenient for those who have trouble swallowing pills, as they can be opened and mixed with food or drink. They may also have a slower release time, potentially leading to more sustained effects throughout the day.

Tablets, on the other hand, may be preferable for those who need more control over their dosage, as they can be cut or split to create smaller doses. They may also have a faster absorption rate, leading to more immediate effects.

In general, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication, including Phentermine. They can provide personalized recommendations based on individual medical history and goals.

Ultimately, the efficacy of Phentermine – whether in capsule or tablet form – depends on a range of factors, including overall health, lifestyle habits, and adherence to prescribed dosage. It is important to follow instructions carefully and communicate openly with healthcare providers to ensure safe and effective use of the medication.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between phentermine capsules and tablets is important in determining which form may work better for an individual’s specific needs. While both forms contain the same active ingredient, there are differences in their composition, absorption rate, release time, and recommended usage.

Based on the information provided, it is difficult to definitively say which form is more effective overall. However, for those who require a faster release of the medication, phentermine tablets may be more suitable due to their quicker absorption rate. On the other hand, phentermine capsules may be more appropriate for those who require a slower release of the medication for extended appetite suppression.

Ultimately, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which form of phentermine is best for individual needs. It’s important to discuss any concerns or potential side effects before starting any medication.

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