
What you don’t know about willpower: Why popular ideas about determination and drive are all wrong.

As I write this I am in the process of writing down the things I am currently going through, as I don’t want to forget them. I know that I need to pay more attention to the foods I eat, but I had been running and I am feeling very tired, which is making me…

How to find a mentor, and why mentorship is so important for you (and your clients). Plus 7 important things you’ll learn from the right mentor.

Knowing that you have some life experience under your belt can be a real boost for those moments when you find yourself standing at the crossroads of your own development. Mentorship is a great way to learn new skills, build a support network of like-minded people, and bring out the best in yourself. Mentorship can…

The Truth about Carbs, Insulin, and Weight Loss |

According to the official nutrition guidelines, carbohydrates are the “king” of foods. They’re supposed to be the “energy food” of choice, they’re supposed to be the source of all the energy we need and they’re supposed to be the major source of calorie intake. Yet, the majority of us are told to eat more, eat…

Nutrition Coaching for Tactical Athletes |

Athletes and active adults are notorious for eating a diet high in fat, sugar, and processed foods. The high levels of refined carbs and unhealthy fats may lead to an increase in body weight and fat accumulation. During the off season or when time is not as valuable as during the season, athletes and active…

Sweet potatoes vs. potatoes: Which are really healthier? [Infographic]

Join us as we compare the nutritional profiles of two of the most popular foods we eat today… Sweet potatoes vs. potatoes. (Okay, so that’s not really a blog post title, but can you blame me?) We know a lot about the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, but are sweet potatoes just as good…

Surprising supplements: Five effective nutrients you’ve never heard of |

If you’re like me, it’s been a while since you’ve heard of any of the following ingredients. Perhaps you’ve never even heard of them, and you probably don’t even know if you’re deficient in them. If you’re looking for something to help your health and your body in general, you’ve come to the right place….

3 critical (and counterintuitive) strategies for getting loved ones to support your healthy lifestyle.

If you want to convince someone to join you on your healthy lifestyle journey, they probably aren’t going to join you if you’re not respectful of their values. For example, if you’re trying to make your family healthier, and you’re trying to convince them to join you in that, you shouldn’t assume they don’t have…

marrige counseling

Making Your Relationship Stronger During COVID-19

Being stuck at home longer than usual has honestly tried many relationships during the pandemic. If you feel that you are already on edge and you need professional advice, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment for couple’s counseling. Marriage counseling is private, educational and has vastly improved in the past few decades. It is never…

Is Havening Right For Me?

If you are suffering from depression and you have been seeking a long-term solution it’s almost certain you’ll have come across Havening. Havening is the revolutionary new tool for therapists to help their clients overcome traumas in their past. However it is important that you work with a qualified Havening therapist. In this article I’ll…

fatty liver

Fatty Liver Supplement at Buy Canada Food: How this Liver Detox or Liver Cleanse Supplement Can Help you

Hepatic statuses or fatty liver is a common term that describes the condition of fat buildup within your liver. Of course, you probably understand that it is normal to have small amounts of fat inside your liver, but if you aver too much that could cause severe issues to your overall health. You should check…