Does Aspirin effect Blood pressure

  • By: dr thushankas
  • Date: April 5, 2021
  • Time to read: 3 min.

What is Blood pressure?

If we talk about blood pressure, then it simply means the pressure that is exerted by the flowing blood onto the walls of arteries. Arteries are the vessels that carry blood away from the heart and the flowing blood puts some pressure on these termed as the blood pressure. This blood pressure basically has two numbers. The upper pressure is known as the systolic pressure whereas the lower blood pressure is known as the diastolic pressure. If we consider the normal range of blood pressure, then it is 120/80 mmHg.

What is Aspirin?

Now, If we take into consideration the drug named as aspirin, then it is one of the most common drug and this specific drug is known to cause pain relief. Apart from this it also helps an individual to get relief from fever and headaches etc. Further, some doctors recommend this aspirin as a blood thinner and an anti-inflammatory drug. Another important aspect of this aspirin drug is that it can also be used in lowering the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Aspirin and blood pressure

Now, if we consider the use of aspirin on blood pressure, then I would say that the use of aspirin prevents from heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues, therefore it can also be beneficial in lowering the blood pressure of an individual. The timely use of this drug can be a positive approach in lowering the blood pressure and preventing from serious cardiovascular issues and problems. But still, many people believe that the use of aspirin and the lowering of the blood pressure generally provides some confusing results. But as I already stated that the timely use of this specific drug helps in reducing blood pressure. Now what I meant by the timely use of this drug has been explained by a study and according to that study the use of aspirin at night time generally is very beneficial in maintaining and reducing blood pressure. The use of aspirin at bedtime is the key behind its effectiveness. And as we already know that a low dose of aspirin drug is indeed quite effective in preventing heart attacks and other related issues.

We can also associate this situation with the fact that aspirin is used to lower the risk of having a heart attack and heart attacks are caused by increased blood pressure. So, we can relate it to the fact that aspirin could be beneficial in lowering the blood pressure. But as I already stated that the use of aspirin and the lowering of blood pressure is indeed a quite controversial topic. Because after extensive research, it is still not clear that whether aspirin lowers blood pressure or not. The results had been quite contradicting as well. For instance, aspirin given at bedtime showed quite amazing results and helped in reducing blood pressure.


Therefore, based on the above discussion, I do conclude that it is still a debatable topic that whether aspirin lowers blood pressure or not.  It is a clear fact that aspirin is absolutely beneficial in preventing heart attacks and some other issues related to cardiovascular system. But the relation and link between aspirin and blood pressure is still not clear. But we can say that as a result of some experiments, it is observed that aspirin taken at night or bedtime is indeed effective in lowering the blood pressure. Therefore, we can say that a low dose of aspirin taken at bedtime can be beneficial in lowering the blood pressure.

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